When Deborah K. Frontiera was drafting Superior Tapestry, it was during the pandemic, so she was not able to drive into Canada to take her own photo of the St. Mary’s River rapids for Chapter 2. A connection between the historian on the Michigan side who had been helping with the research had a friend on the Ontario side who took the photo in the book. But Deborah still wanted to get her own photo. In the summer of 2021, travel of “ordinary people” to Canada still wasn’t happening. In 2022, Deborah’s schedule simply couldn’t fit in that trip.
Finally, in June of 2023, Deborah was scheduled to participate in a book signing with a group of authors and Island Books and Gifts in Soo, MI. Armed with her passport, she went across International Bridge, found the park along the river where the photo in the book had been taken, and began her hike through the park. Only to be “curses, foiled again” by the closure of part of the park due to high water! She did find another vantage point for a photo, but not the best place. It did, however, show how high the river was!
The event at Island Books was fun and successful.